
Australian Athletics

Please click on the link below to view or download the Athletics Australia and Member Associations Membership Terms an Conditions.

Membership Terms and Conditions

Athletics Victoria

Athletics Victoria Terms & Conditions 2024/25

Updated 11/04/2024


By completing this member application and submitting payment you acknowledge and accept to comply with and abide by the terms and conditions of being a member of Athletics Victoria (“AV”). If the person completing this member application is under the age of eighteen (18) then a parent/guardian will be required to provide the following declarations on your behalf and by doing so will ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of membership at all times.


In the following terms and conditions, the term:

  • ‘AV’ refers to Athletics Victoria Inc.
  • ‘AA’ refers to Athletics Australia
  • ‘XCR’24’ refers to the ten rounds of Cross-Country Races held between 01/04/2024 and 30/09/2024, and
  • ‘AVSL’ refers to all scheduled rounds including playoffs of the Athletics Victoria Shield League held between 01/10/2024 and 31/03/2025.


  1. I make application for membership of AV with the club or specialist group listed and declare that:
    1. I am eligible to participate in competition according to the by-laws of Athletics Victoria;
    2. I agree to abide by all rules and by-laws of Athletics Victoria, Athletics Australia, and World Athletics as amended from time to time; and
    3. I agree to abide by and comply with all policies issued and amended from time to time by Athletics Victoria, Athletics Australia and World Athletics.


  1. I acknowledge that the period of membership of Athletics Victoria commences on 03/04/2024 and ends at 11.59pm on the 31/03/2025 (membership period) unless extended by Athletics Victoria in its complete and absolute discretion.


  1. I understand that final approval of my membership is conditional upon my club or specialist group providing endorsement and that my membership is not complete until this process is finalised.


  1. I understand that at any AV event or endorsed activity, I may be photographed and/or videotaped by an authorised or endorsed representative of AV. I acknowledge and agree:
    1. That any images or likeness captured by AV are owned by AV and that they may be used by AV for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary;
    2. That I consent to AV using my name, image, likeness and also my performance in any AV/AA events, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the event and AV/AA;
    3. That AV/AA is not responsible for those images or likenesses captured by persons who are not an official or endorsed representative of AV.


  1. I understand that my membership details are collected by AV for the purpose of conducting and creating my membership permitting me to enter Events conducted by AV including but not limited to identifying participants in an Event, recording results, communicating with me and other participants about Events and to assist AV in improving and marketing its goods and services.


  1. I understand that by supplying my email address as part of this application that I consent to receive regular emails from AV in order to stay informed about events conducted by AV. I also consent to AV providing my personal information including but not limited to, my name, age, date of birth, postal and email address to Athletics Australia so that I can participate in any event under the control of Athletics Australia.


  1. I understand that my personal information is being collected by AV in compliance with the regulations set out in the Privacy Act 1988, as amended (“Privacy Act”), and the Australian Privacy Principles for the purpose of conducting and facilitating my membership of Athletics Victoria. I understand that if I choose not to share certain personal information that my membership application may be rejected at AV’s discretion. I understand that I can access, change and update information AV has about me at any time by contacting AV, subject to the terms of the Privacy Act. I understand that AV will endeavour to respond to my request within 30 days, that AV may be contacted during normal working hours on (03) 7032 8400 and that AV will send me a full copy of the Privacy Policy should I require more information. I acknowledge that the Privacy Policy also contains information about how I may complain about how my personal information is handled, used and disclosed. I agree to the sharing of my personal information with AV and its insurers in relation to any incident or personal illness that has reasonable and direct relation to my membership and/or any event that I enter.


  1. In addition to clause 7, by applying for membership of AV I consent to my personal information being provided to Athletics Australia Limited for the purposes of registering me on a national database controlled by Athletics Australia. I further consent to receiving information (including via email) from Athletics Australia, including details of other events and special offers or promotions, unless I inform those organisations otherwise.


  1. Where I am responsible for and or cause any deliberate damage to property owned by AV, I agree to reimburse AV for the cost of the repair of, or the replacement of AV’s property and acknowledge that AV may terminate my membership.




    1. ATHLETE – all athletes who compete at AV events according to the rules and policies relating to all AV competitions. The following athlete membership types are offered in the membership period by Athletics Victoria and fees will be payable according to the athlete membership type selected:
      1. JUNIOR – for people aged 11* – 19 as at 31/12/2024

*Athletes aged 11 as at 31/12/2024 are not eligible for Championship Events but may compete in AVSL & XCR.

      1. OPEN – for people aged 20 or older at 31/12/2024
    1. OFFICIAL – AV welcomes the registration of persons who are prepared to officiate at athletic events conducted by AV. To act as an official, AV requires persons to undertake a Working with Children Check (as a volunteer there is no cost for this check). AV will facilitate training to assist officials to increase their skill levels and become accredited under the national accreditation scheme.
    2. COACH – Victorian based coaches must register via Athletics Australia’s Coach Accreditation scheme; this includes registration with Athletics Victoria. For further information and to register online as a coach visit http://www.athletics.com.au/coaches.
    3. RECREATIONAL RUNNER – Recreational running members must be registered with an affiliated Athletics Victoria club/specialist group.
    4. SOCIAL – Social members are non-competing members who contribute to the sport in ways other than listed abov


  1. ALTERNATE FIRST CLAIM – Alternate First Claim registration enables an athlete to nominate a club, other than their home club, to compete for in either the XCR’24 or AVSL season. This registration is valid only for the nominated season and does not carry over into the next athletics year. Alternate first claim registration must be completed by 01/06/2024 for the XCR’24 season, or 01/12/2024 for the AVSL season.


  1. TRANSFER – An Athletics Victoria Member does have the option to switch from one club to another either during the membership season or while classified as an archived member via the below guidelines. Such a transfer entails a member moving from one registered club to another.

All transfers require approval from the applicant’s present club, Athletics Victoria, and the applicants new club. Applications can only occur during two stages – April 1st to June 30th AND 1st September to 30th November; however, an athlete is only permitted one (1) transfer between 04/04/2024 and 31/03/2025. Transfers will sit in the portal for 5 business days, if one of the involved parties does not accept or deny within the 5 business days, the transfer is automatically accepted. Refer to the transfer policy for more information.


  1. FAMILY DISCOUNT – This discount applies if three or more members of the same family, residing at the same address, register for an Athlete Membership at the same time. Those registering as Officials, Coaches, Social, or Recreational Runners are not eligible for the family discount.


    1. XCR PACKAGE – This package is open to registered Athlete Members and provides entry into all individual rounds of XCR’24. Package holders are contributors to club points for the XCR’24 Season. Relay round entries are purchased by clubs and are not included in the XCR Package. Championship events are not included in the XCR Package.
    2. AVSL PACKAGE – This package is open to registered Athlete Members and provides entry into all AVSL rounds. Package holders are contributors to club points for the 2024/25 AVSL Season. Championship events are not included in the AVSL Package.
    3. MAX PACKAGE – This package is open to registered Athlete Members and provides access to all individual rounds of XCR’24 and all rounds of AVSL. Package holders are contributors to club points for the XCR’24 and 2024/25 AVSL Seasons. Championship events are not included in the MAX Package.


I declare I have read and understand the terms and conditions above.



Athletics Victoria Inc. (AV) has a duty of care to its members and to the general public who interact with its employees, volunteers, members and others involved with AV activities. As part of this duty of care and as a requirement of AV’s Member Protection Policy, AV must enquire into the background of those applying for, undertaking or remaining in any work (paid or voluntary) that involves working with people under the age of 18 years. At AV’s discretion, we may require any member over the age of 18 to undertake a Working with Children Check. Therefore, we require all members to confirm the declaration below:

  1. ‘I do not have any criminal convictions or findings of guilt for offences involving sexual activity, act of indecency, child abuse or child pornography.’
  2. ‘I do not have any criminal charge pending before the courts. I have not had any disciplinary proceedings brought against me by an employer, sporting organisation or similar body involving child abuse, sexual misconduct or harassment, acts of violence, intimidation or other forms of harassment.’


I declare I agree to the above statements and comply with AV’s requirements for involvement in AV activities.
